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Bryan Goertz

Cyclocross Race Project Website

July 19, 2023

Bryan Goertz

Bryan Goertz


As part of a Full Stack Developer Program, a dynamic homepage for the Boulder Cyclocross Championship was created using React, JavaScript, CSS, and SASS. The site offers event info, ticket sign-ups, contests, and a biker tracking feature. The project emphasized design and user experience, reinforcing proficiency in key web development technologies.




As part of my coursework in the OpenClassrooms Full Stack Developer Program, I undertook the challenge of creating a comprehensive homepage for the Boulder Cyclocross Championship - a vibrant bike race event.

This project was more than just an academic obligation; it was an exciting opportunity to blend my technical skills with creative design, resulting in a dynamic, interactive platform for bike race enthusiasts. The website serves as a central hub where visitors can access event information, sign up for ticket notifications, enter contests, and even track their favorite bikers using an interactive map.

One of the unique features of the site is the profile section, where users can delve into the details of their bikes, enhancing their connection with the event. This personalization feature not only enriches the user experience but also fosters a sense of community among the event's participants and followers.

The website was developed using React, a robust JavaScript library, which enabled the efficient creation of reusable components. Fundamental JavaScript concepts, such as a countdown timer and iterating over items, were implemented to add dynamic elements to the platform. Styling was done using vanilla CSS and SASS, providing a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics.

A significant emphasis was placed on the design aspect of this project. The layout was meticulously planned using wireframes, ensuring a logical and user-friendly structure. The aesthetic design, on the other hand, was undertaken with a 'design in the browser' methodology. This approach allowed for real-time visualization of the design elements, enabling me to create an appealing and intuitive user interface.

The Boulder Cyclocross Championship project was not just a fulfillment of coursework; it was a testament to my ability to create a comprehensive, interactive, and visually pleasing web platform. The skills and knowledge gained from this project have been invaluable in my journey as a Full Stack Developer, further solidifying my proficiency in React, JavaScript, CSS, and SASS.